Bodily pains are an inevitable part of aging. As your joints groan, creak, and pop with every painful step, you might think that everything’s going downhill from there. However, that’s not always the case, because you can delay and prevent these agonizing moments through early detection, treatment, and rehabilitation.
Among all the joints in the body, one of the most susceptible to this early damage is the hip’s ball-and-socket joint. Responsible for proper posture and mobility, your hips are considered the biggest joints you have, and therefore, carry the most pressure. With that said, due to its small size, only certain parts of it will develop a problem.
Commonly, the right side of the groin, where most of the buttock and thigh muscles are stem is the most reported pain source that patients suffer from. So, before the joint injury gets out of hand, here is what you should do once you get that twinge of pain in your hips. Find hip pain treatment in New Mexico Dispensary.
What to Do
During mild hip pain cases, going to the doctor or a chiropractor in Whitby is not the immediate response. Instead, you can try out these self-care tips and heal at home:
1. Sleep and Rest

Hip pain is often caused by overworked pelvic, thigh, and gluteal muscles. If you’ve been running, hiking, or working out at a more intense level, without any warm-up or stretching, then hip pains are an expected result. And, the most effective solution for that is rest. Muscle inactivity and sleep will allow your body tissues and muscles to repair themselves.
However, when doing so, you have to be careful with following the right resting postures to prevent cramping and further injury. Avoid sleeping on the affected side and during the day, have a standing break, and don’t sit for long hours.
2. Limit Movement
Most people often have the misconception that the solution to healing an injury is to shake it off and keep the area moving. However, this myth exacerbates the pain and delays the recovery process. So, if you’re living an active lifestyle, try avoiding movements and exercises that use the hip joints. Instead, explore low-impact workouts like walking, swimming, and biking that don’t put too much pressure on the pelvic muscles. You can also opt for massage therapy in Waterloo to help you recover mobility.
3. Pain Relievers
Every person has a different pain tolerance. If the hip and joint pains are just too much for you to bear and are becoming a hindrance to your day, then pain relievers are an option. Visit your local drugstore and purchase over-the-counter medication that works for you.
From acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium, you have plenty of options and brands to try out. However, before buying these anti-inflammatory pain relievers, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the compounds in them.
4. Apply Cold and Hot Compression
Hot and cold compress works in relieving your hip pain by regulating your blood flow. Hot compress stimulates blood flow to the area, which in turn leads to more nutrients and oxygen supplied to the muscles and joints.
This helps your hips to heal and recover faster. Cold compress, on the other hand, works by reducing inflammation, while numbing the nerves and pain receptors. You may even take a hot or cold shower right before a heavy workout to activate your muscles.
5. Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight
Pressure more than what your body is used to is the most common cause of joint pains. One of the reasons why your body is experiencing higher pressure than normal may be due to your body weight. Stored fats, especially along the abdominal and hip area can throw off your body’s balance and posture. So, to prevent this, consider losing a few pounds and maintaining a healthy body weight through exercise and a well-balanced diet.
Common Causes and Reliefs
Aside from overexertion fatigue, hip pain can also be caused by lifestyle or genetically induced diseases such as:
1. Arthritis
Characterized by a dull pain in the hip region, osteoarthritis is caused by swollen and stiff joints, whose cartilage has broken down. This in turn leads to joint deformities and improper movement as the joints no longer fit regularly. The joints then rub together, and this creates friction that triggers the pain receptors in your joints.
People who engage in high-impact activities, such as basketball, marathons, and more, are the ones that are most likely to have this. However, this is not the end of the world because you can always relieve the pain through resistance training, low-impact exercises, gentle stretching, and physical therapy.
2. Bursitis
Often found on the outer part of the hip or buttocks, bursitis pain is caused by an inflammation between your tendons and joints that causes your muscles to rub directly into the bone. To gain relief, most doctors suggest a cold compress, cortisone injections, assisted walking, and pain relievers.
When to Seek Medical Help
Most hip pains come and go, depending on the intensity of your daily activities. However, if it has been a constant, chronic visitor, accompanied by inflammation, redness, and swelling in the area, then it’s best to visit and consult with an orthopedic doctor right away.
Closing Thoughts
Minor hip pains can come at any age. This may be due to overexertion, lack of stretching, sudden movements, and fatigued muscles. However, continuous swelling and pressure without any correction may lead to limited motion and limps. So, before you find yourself in worse-case scenarios, try out these home remedies now to reduce the inflammation, or better yet, consult for medical guidance.